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If you are a Kindle reader, or just want to find out what kind of e-book stuff is about Amazon Kindle on your computer, you can use it on your desktop.
Installation is easy, and it’s automatically interacting with your Kindle and is integrated with all types Kindle you put on your PC. If you have a record and score mark when you read your Kindle device, they will be sent to PC readers. The link is clean and very basic. There is a Start button, which allows you to go to the libraryyours, which you can order by name, author or more.
You can also buy eBooks in Amazon, though this opens browser – There is no Kindle store in the app. Double click on the book and open. You can see the details and marks that you created and create new logo marks (but no other messages). There is a service to convert the number of words each row and you can change font size in the correct way. You can change font size change. Controls are easy, throughkeyboard or mouse.
One of the restrictions on desktop readers is that your display may not be easy to read as Screen Kindle. For this reason, it is not embarrassed that no software and screenshots are easy to track or light or adjust brightness. That you can not insist or add a book does so.
AmazoneDe Kindle on the computer is an e-book reader, but lack of options and makes it a superlative reality.
Use the easy guide to find English wordswithout interfering with your measurement.
Read in one column column or use a wide range of screenshots that vary in size of your screen.
Select whether you want to view your library in a glance or in a comment on the account.