Advanced IP Scanner 32bit Download

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There may be times when you need to find a local IP-address on the LAN (Local Area Network). This advanced IP scanner is absolutely free, but it is already accepted more than 22 million users. Some of the main features include the ability to view all networkkiravannyainshyya device for remote computers and, if necessary, or even shut down the computers in the network. So it is understandable why IT professionals to use this software.

Features and Features

This advanced IP-scanner patrabuevstanovkacomputerand memory allocation is not a problem. All results can enter CSV-file, so that the system is an excellent choice for network administrators in the process of solving problems. Computers are also available RDP remote dostupvykarystovvayuchy protocol (Remote Desktop Protocol)software. This allows the user to disable or disarm with a few simple steps. All shares of the network can also be accessed quickly. This is important if skeniranjeza viruses or detect possible parushennebyaspeku. Finally, the advanced IPScanner is designedfor those with little IT experience. Its intuitive layout perfect for both beginners and professionals.


scan engine has been improved, giving greater speed and accuracy

dabavlenayOn capable of displaying a free IP-address in listscan results

Results can be saved as HTML or CSVdatoteki

The user interface is enhanced

New languages ​​(Thai, Turkish, Portuguese, Dutch) added

Advanced IP Scanner