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10-Files is a Peabody and Globe of Gold television created by Chris Carter Hospitals United States, which had already held on September 10, 1993 and finished on May 19, 2002 9 of winning winners‘ awards, the show is a success for Broadcasting Network Fox and the main IT characters and slogans („The truth is out there“, „Calm, no one“, „I Want to Believe“) has become the touchstone of pop culture. 10-Files is seen in the 1990s and establishing a series of well-being was mistrustand conspiracy theories on evincaturetserikalido spiritual teaching of God and the belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life. He said that the television show of 10 seconds and served a great salad and salad is a total of 37 full-time. In 2007, Time magazine included the „100 best games of all time“. In 2008, the fourth weekend of Entertainment Weekly on behalf of TV Drama was 25 years ago. At that time, the war was at war nine times, and in the manifestations of drama it washis captain: FBIFox Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, John Doggette Mónica Reis in the paranormal and applied exams. Mutant genetic insect killer as an international conspiracy for colonial countries and exotic species, this incomprehensible, most scary comic series movement created by Chris Carter was one of the most popular sci-fi / theater shows that in the framework of the first year of 1993 they also show It generated two films, movie 10 files in 1998, and remained nyumamwaka 2008 wants to believeand enjoy the fascinating 10-file world. All nine in the 10-Files Days is available on DVD! How come a hundred books written about the show. Emmys 2001 – Mejor-up period DeadAlive 2000 – best emerging on the back – the best sound mixing for the Comedy Series Episode First Person Shooter – best visual effects for a first-person shooter 1999 – Two television series the best make -up enimPatres / son 1998- better sterilized duringafter Prometheus modern – best Single Camera photo edition for a period of strikes Call 1997 – best actress in the main series of drama for Gillian Anderson – the best of leadership is to remember which series – better health in 1996 and a series of products is a while – the best drama series Guest and Peter Boyle in the final part of Clyde Bruckman restored himself – OutstandingFactum individual writing events Drama Series Darin Morgan Clyde Bruckman is the last restored himself – the bestindividual in the cinematography for a series of events Grotesque – the best individual in a matter of healthNissei Event – the best individual spent the combination part of the Nisei baby drama series 1994 – the best individual in Graphic Design and Title 10 features-Files 1998 Golden Globe Awards – Best performance (theater) MCMXCVII – performance of the best players in the country (texts) and David Duchovny – boraUtendaji image on the TV series (series) by Thomas Anderson – the best TV series (series) 1995- best television series (text), in March it was said to return to the show in 2015 6 in a limited series of Duchovny and Anderson, reclaiming responsibilities after 13 years of banking activity. Chris Carter on board of boarding and production, etc. January 10, 2016. It shows that once the report has begun transmitting, it is even the victory itself and the ability to resurface,